Jun 8, 2023
Join us as we dive into the inspiring story of Tim Fall, a judge who faced the challenges of running for elections for judge, receiving a mental health diagnosis, battling suicidal thoughts, and caring for his ill father. Tim's journey is a testament to the fact that it's okay to admit when we have a mental health diagnosis. It doesn't diminish our worth as individuals, Christians, or children of God.
We all need help, and seeking support doesn't make us weak; it shows strength and a willingness to grow. Having the support of medical professionals, friends, and a Christian community is essential on the path to managing our mental health.
You can learn more about Tim's incredible journey by reading his book, "Running for Judge." In it, he shares his experiences, insights, and lessons learned along the way. You can find the book on Amazon at the following link: https://www.amazon.com/Running-Judge-Tim-Fall/dp/1725260867
Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Reach out for help and surround yourself with people who care. Together, we can foster an environment of understanding, compassion, and acceptance.
Tune in to this thought-provoking podcast episode and let Tim's story inspire and encourage you. Let's break the stigma surrounding mental health and create a supportive community where everyone feels valued and understood.
Judge Tim Fall is a California native who changed his major three times, colleges four times, and took six years to get his bachelor’s degree in a subject he’s never been called upon to use professionally. He’s been a trial court judge since 1995 and has taught judicial ethics to California judges for twenty years. Tim was in private civil practice for a little over seven years before taking the bench and had not seen the penal code since law school. He’s a quick study though (see the above comment about taking six years to get a four-year degree).
Tim writes and speaks about being a judge with a diagnosed anxiety disorder, and seeks to remove the stigma of seeking treatment for mental illness. His mental health memoir Running for Judge: Campaigning on the Trail of Despair, Deliverance, and Overwhelming Success (Wipf and Stock, 2020) is available in print, as well as from Audible and Kindle.
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Pastor Brad Hoefs is an ordained Pastor and Member of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations. He has been pastoring since 1985, and he is currently the pastor of Anchor of Hope Church in Omaha, Nebraska (since 1995). The church has seen over 110% growth in the 18 months after Fresh Hope started meeting.
Pastor Brad is the Executive Director of WorshipOutlet.com. He founded Fresh Hope in 2009.
He is a State-certified Intentional Peer Support Specialist and was appointed by Governor Heineman of Nebraska to serve on the State Advisory Committee on Mental Health Services.
He is also the author of Fresh Hope: Living Well in Spite of a Mental Health Diagnosis, published in 2013.
Pastor Brad has been married to his college sweetheart, Donna, for 34 years, and is the proud father of two adult married children, and ‘Papa’ to 3 grandsons and 1 granddaughter.
If you are interested in more information about Fresh Hope, go to www.FreshHope.us or email info@FreshHope.us, or call 402.932.3089.
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